redvinegar combines influences of folk, classic rock, hard rock, and the ever present and so-called "alternative" rock (that's a lot of rock) to create a wholly pleasing blend of herbs and spices. redvinegar has been a band in the making for some 9 years, when Pete Peterson and Dave Hendrick met in the frozen tundra of Northern Wisconsin and began to play rock and roll. Later, Peterson went to Chicago for school, and musical endeavours with Hendrick happened only on vacations. (and later on the rare occaisions that Hendrick could come down to Chicago.) Skip to 1995, when Pete Peterson met Phil Kuhl at North Park University. Phil played in a band called "Atwitter," and Pete played largely on his own in the university coffee house. At some point along the way, Phil and Pete started to play together, and when Dave Hendrick began school in Milwaukee, weekend practices commenced and Pedro was born. It wasn't long after that that Peter Everett Carlson was added to the mix as an official member of the band, and Pedro made it's first appearace at a North Park variety show in early 1999. However, because of Dave's travel schedule (and run-ins with the police), Pedro never practiced as a full band until the show-- but you know what? It turned out just fine. Jump to the fall of 1999, skipping summer, Korea, blinding heat, and major, invasive surgery on Phil Kuhl, and that brings us to today. These days, Dave Hendrick is on assignment in Northern Wisconsin doing field work-- collecting the songs of the natives, making sociological studies, and getting a degree while making mad connections through college radio. Meanwhile, Pedro became redvinegar and
Aaron Moon has been drafted into the ranks of redvinegar. (Which is especially cool
because Aaron drummed in Phil's very first band, "Exit," back when
Aaron was 12!) Regardless, Aaron totally rocks out and we think you'll agree. --Peter
Well, we said it was gonna happen, and it appears that now is the winter of our discount tent. Actually though, we just got around to asking everybody in the band, it looks like the name has been changed to redvinegar. It's kinda a long story, and I'm sure I'll end up writing it up. Pedro has been ditched for two reasons-- one, there is a up and coming band called Pedro the Lion and people have already asked us if this has anything to do with them. The other reason, is that we're not latin in any way, really, and pedro might seem a little incongruous. Not that incongruity is such a bad thing... but you know. --Peter
Sherman! Set the wayback machine for the winter of 1989. I went to a Skate-a-thon in Willow River, MN, for Covenant Park Bible Camp. Now, for those of you who don't know what a skate-a-thon is, it's where people pledge you money to go roller skate, and for the amount of time that you roller skate, you get whatever they pledged. It's not very complex, and it is a fundraiser, so cut them some slack. Rollerskating was cool. It was fun. I stunk at it. A friend of mine gave me the nickname "Vinegar" -- which I ended up using as a nickname online. When I finally signed up for AOL, someone already had taken that name (???) so I appended "Red" to it, not because of the delicious red wine vinegar, but because the guy whose computer I was using had the handle "RedDragon." So I became RedVinegar. Years later, we needed a band name and "redvinegar" seemed as good as anything. The End. --Peter
Dave Hendrick, the fifth shemp of redvinegar, will be in Chicago for the weekend. I'm sure that hilarity will ensue, since our comrade bands The Project and Blue Stone are also playing this weekend. I will make sure to keep you informed. addendum: Dave's ride, a miss Marian Paroo (not her real name), decided to leave this morning without Dave or his girlfriend Crystal. Apparently there was some misunderstanding, but it also seems like she wasn't willing to wait three and a half hours for them. ____ _ ____ _ / ___| / \ | _ \| | | | _ / _ \ | |_) | | | |_| |/ ___ \| _ <|_| \____/_/ \_\_| \_(_) --Peter
Yesterday my cat Caesar died at home of not eating (a common old pet disease) in Wisconsin yesterday. <eulogy> Caesar Catgutstus was one hep cat -- and I come to praise him, not to bury him! He couldn't meow very well -- which only made him cuter in my eyes. He purred constantly, and he was shrewd although not malicious, which is a good combination in a cat, I think. He looked kinda like a shorter-haired Morris, was a good catcher of things, and when I and he were younger, liked to ride around on my shoulder as I did the chores. And now, the canonical Caesar story: "I got him from my friend and neighbor Roy Matthewson, who said to me: 'I was going to give you the stupid one, but he got run over by a car.'" It's a short story, but a good one. And it illustrates Caesar's amazing intellect. I believe Caesar Catgutstus was 13, which is pretty old for an outdoor cat. He has no survivors. I will miss him. Thank you. </eulogy> --Peter
Fellow Listers Me and Dave were watching Phantom Menace yesterday. Dave watches it everyday, and I think that's lame. Anyhoo, we were watching it, and I started thinking about the whole story. So Qui Gon thinks that Anakin is supposed to fulfill some kind of prophecy and bring "Balance To The Force". As near as I can tell, in Phantom Menace, things looked pretty balanced to me. The Jedi Masters sit around all day. How hard could things have been. Were they really worried about the Pantom Sidious destroying the Jedi? He couldn't even outwit a thriteen year old girl. And so Qui Gon got bumrushed by Darth Maul? I think Yoda and Sammy Jackson would've been able to beat down his ass Onyx style eventually. Or at least Ki-Adu Mundi would've been dispatched to settle the score. NO, apparently when you're a Jedi Master, you have to sit around and discuss things like new techniques in evaporating into the force when you die ("Don't tell Qui Gon. He has defiant cooties.") and who has the more comfortable chair (My vote is for Yaddle). Jedi Masters be punk ass trippin'. So, in order for Anakin to bring balance to the Force, someone apparantly had to unbalance it. You know who it was? Qui Gon. Obi Won could've saved us all a lot of trouble by just slicing off the kid's head as soon as they brought him aboard. I'm sure Qui Gon would've been pissed, but Obi could've taken him out for Ice Cream when they got to Coruscant. Yeah, some Gungans would've gotten pasted too, eh, but they were ready to do there-san parrt, so no biggie on that end, either. The whole story is dumb, and watching Dave spend hundreds of dollars on it is too much for me. Seriously, that kid has a problem. He could be spending that money on beer or completing his Foghat CD collection, WHICH HE HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET! So in closing, Star Wars = Dumb. Dave = Broke Foghat = Rules! Sincerely,